Who is Behind Me?

Who is behind me
Who follows my lead
Weโ€™ll conquer together
An end to their greed

The prompt ‘Who is behind me’ is an orphan prompt from the Indie Ink Challenge.

I would have liked to have expanded this more – and maybe will separately – but there’s too much poetry to be written for my course at the moment so I left it short with, I hope, a decent rhythm (don’t ask me what the meter is – I think it has two feet (but maybe it is 3 if there are 5 syllables) except for line three which is 6 syllables and 3 feet) and some rhyme.


One response to “Who is Behind Me?”

  1. Jen avatar

    I love the rhythm of this (I think it has something of a drumroll beat to it) -I’m a stickler for rhythm so I love to see it used well. My only problem is with the lines (run together as a statement) which proclaim “we’ll conquer together an end to their greed”. You want to conquer the end of their greed??? I’d think you’d want to endorse the end of their greed!