Tag: NaBloPoMo

  • 1000 Pages and Counting

    1000 Pages and Counting

    I guess when I was told a javascript script wasn’t working I should have listened. Instead I ignored the printer error for awhile. But no, I had to find out for myself. I tested the script by printing a test page. The script ran and moved the document from one queue to another. An error…

  • Horse Riding

    Horse Riding

    So, I was on my usual horse today. I wasn’t dreading and the lesson went okay after a shaky start. It was 9am. First lesson of the day. First lesson for the horse as well; and she takes a bit to get going. I felt better cantering today on her than I have over the…

  • Work

    Went back to work today after a week off. I love days when a lot of bulk gets done. We sorted out the music PCs after 3 long weeks of rebuilding, testing software, failing, trying again. Then, finally, success! They are all hooked up to the Yamaha midi keyboards and they all work. Trial wifi…

  • Lights!


    In my first essay on the Duchess of Malfi, we have to consider how we would stage one of the scenes. In researching this it has turned my mind to lighting in tv, film and plays. Drive was the first movie I watched where the lighting really struck me. I found it fascinating to learn…